Most people who have lived in Portland, Oregon and are in love with cheeseburger have probably heard of this place called Stanichs. This burger joint is classic. Stanichs has been around for years serving up their special “World Famous” burger in the Rose City.

When arriving at the burger joint, I noticed it hadn’t changed one bit. Here it is 15 years later after first being served a World Famous and the décor is exactly the same. Also the serve has went downhill, I was there for about 5 minutes before I was greeted and had to seat myself. When finally helped I order my World Famous and a side of fries. Hoping that at least the burger was better than the service, I sat patiently waiting. Shortly my burger came out looking as pretty as can be. Same good look and body as I remembered, with a side of golden fried treats.  I bite into it and was instantly brought back to the first day I ever tried one. The ham, egg, onion, and cheese just really tickle my fancy and I was a happy man. One this that I could say was a little wrong with it, is you can tell it was thrown together. Everything wasn't evenly placed on the burger at all. In my opinion, all good burgers have balance. If I was to rate just the burger, Id give it a 3 out of 5. Burger with service 2 out of 5.

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