Now this next place isn’t your typical steak house, and it isn’t your typical strip club, it’s both. Acropolis Steakhouse Strip club, where I’ll be trying the Acrop “Colossal” Burger. The bigger is known across town to be one of the biggest burger in Portland. It is said that the colossal burger has up to 2lbs in patty and it served on a 14 inch bun. So I traveled across Portland to this steak house located on Se Mcloughlin Blvd.

When arriving to my destination, my first take on it was, it’s a strip club and not at all somewhere, where I’d see myself planning to eat. I noticed the building had a backside to it where you could ring a cow bell and order food outside and not come in. This is good for all of the people who’d rather not be in that environment or people who aren't old enough; they can still enjoy the food. I step inside and the place has a cover, nothing too big about five bucks. I didn’t mind paying for this because I knew it was to help pay for all the entertainment.  So I walk in, have a seat, and give the menu a quick glance. I notice that everything is fairly priced and has decent portions. I was told the owner owns a cow farm so they get really good high quality beef for a really good price. I order the colossal and enjoy the entertainment as I wait for my two pound baby. 

When the burger comes out, my eyes were open wide and my mouth was over filled with drool. For I had never seen a burger so big in my life, I mean so big it had to be heard together with a knife. I mean so big that I had to cut the burger in four to take a portion out to eat. So I bite into this massive goodness to find myself no so impressed. The patty was well flavored and almost seemed steak like and the burger was well put together. But the problem I was having with burger was it was too simple. Cheese, lettuce, and onion as simple as you could get. The burger needed bacon, grilled onion, or just something to add another flavor note. And for that I had to give the 2lb Acrop burger 2.5 out of 5. It’s a must see attraction, but go for the entertainment and the food not just the food.  

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